Prescription Refills/ Delivery in Edmonton.

Offering you a simple way to refill your prescriptions.

Online Refills for Prescription Drugs

Ordering the prescription drugs you require isn’t always convenient. Whether you’re looking to avoid waiting at the doctor’s office, or you’re hoping to save a bit of time during pick up, Dolar Drugs gives you the freedom to place your refill order online, whenever it works for you. Just fill out the eform provided and we’ll get started with your request as soon as we can.


Prescription Refills

    We are your trusted destination for reliable prescription pharmacy services in Edmonton. We understand the importance of easy and accessible healthcare, which is why we offer convenient options for prescription refills and prescription renewals. At Dolar Drugs, we are committed to providing reliable prescription refills in Edmonton. Your health is our priority, and we strive to make managing your medications as easy as possible.